Let’s look at seven juices that can help you lose weight in a big way:
1. Asparagus Juice
Asparagus juice is a natural laxative because it has asparagine, a crystalline amino acid that helps the kidneys work better and makes it easier for the body to get rid of waste. You can even juice the stems, which are usually thrown away. This makes asparagus a green choice.
2. Beet Juice
Beets are also a natural diuretic that may help break up fat deposits.
3. Carrot Juice
People say that cabbage can help break down fat deposits, especially in the stomach area.
4. Grape Juice
Celery juice can also help you get rid of waste and relax. Celery is also a good source of sodium that comes from nature.
5. Juice made from cranberries
Cranberries are another option for a diuretic. Cranberry juice tastes like lemonade when mixed with lemon and a low-sugar green apple to make a delicious weight-loss drink.
6. Juice from cucumbers
Cucumbers are known to make you pee more and help flush toxins out of your body. They have a lot of sulfur and silicon, which help the kidneys get rid of uric acid by making them work harder. Silicon is also good for hair and nails. It helps keep hair from falling out and keeps nails from splitting.
7. Tomato Juice
Tomatoes have citric and malic acids, which speed up your metabolism and help you burn more calories.
Having a glass of vegetable juice before every meal can help you feel less hungry. By choosing the ingredients carefully, you can get two ways to control your appetite. People who want to lose weight should juice with negative-calorie vegetables, which take more calories to digest than they have. Some of the best vegetables to use in juice recipes to help you lose weight are dark greens, broccoli, carrots, Jerusalem artichoke, fennel, and cabbage. Adding asparagus, cucumber, and celery, which are all natural diuretics, to your juice can also help reduce water retention.
Adding cucumber and greens like kale, chard, collards, or parsley to carrot juice can help keep blood sugar stable and keep you from getting hungry. Carrot juice can also satisfy a sweet tooth, but because it has more sugar than other juices, it is best to mix it with green vegetables with less sugar. Jerusalem artichoke, which can be bland, is another vegetable that can help cut down on sugar cravings. It can taste better when mixed with carrot, cucumber, and lemon juice.
Questions about making juice

Why not just eat the fruits and vegetables instead of juicing them?
Make sure to eat vegetables and fruits every day, and don’t forget to juice them as well. You should make juicing a part of your life for at least three reasons.
1. When you juice, you can eat more fruits and vegetables than you would normally eat in a day. Raw vegetables are good for your jaw muscles and teeth, but they can take a long time to chew. Since most of us aren’t hunters and gatherers anymore, we don’t have time to chew raw food for long periods of time. I once timed how long it took me to eat five medium-sized carrots, and it took me about fifty minutes. Juicing is a good way to save time and eat more fruits and vegetables.
2. Second, juicing lets you use parts of the plant that you wouldn’t normally eat, like the stems and leaves of beets, the leaves of celery, the stems of asparagus, and the ribs of kale. This is a great way to get good nutrition and save money by keeping food from going to waste.
3. Juice is easily digestible because it is broken down well. It also slows down digestion, which means that the organs that make enzymes don’t have to work as hard. It is thought that the nutrients in juice start to work in the body within 20 to 30 minutes, making it a good way to treat a number of illnesses. When you juice, your body can quickly get the nutrients it needs without using too much energy on digestion. So, when you drink a glass of fresh vegetable juice, your body can start fixing itself and making you feel better right away. This gives you more energy to do your daily tasks.
Don’t we need the fiber that’s lost in juicing?
Because they have fiber, it is important to eat whole vegetables, fruits, sprouts, legumes, and whole grains. Juice can give you extra nutrients that are better than what you can get from vitamin pills. Vegetable juices can also help you lose weight by making you less hungry. In my book, The Juice Lady’s Guide to Juicing for Health, I suggest juice for more than fifty different health problems.
Both types of fiber are important for a healthy colon, and whole fruits and vegetables have both types. But when you juice, the insoluble fiber gets thrown away, but the soluble fiber in the form of gums and pectins stays in the juice. Lemons and limes have a lot of pectins in them. Soluble fiber is good for the digestive system. It helps lower blood cholesterol and keep blood sugar levels stable. It also helps good bacteria grow in the gut.
Are a lot of nutrients lost with the fiber?
Some people used to think that after juicing, a lot of the nutrients would still be in the fiber. But this idea has been shown to be wrong. The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) looked at twelve different fruits and found that 90 percent of the antioxidant nutrients they looked for were in the juice, not the fiber. This is exactly why fresh juice is a great way to add more nutrition to any diet.
Is fresh juice better than commercially processed juice?
Fresh juice is called “live food” because it is full of vitamins and enzymes that are destroyed by heat. This is why juice in a bottle is often called “dead food.” Fresh juice also has bio-photons, which are living particles that give the body light energy and keep the DNA healthy.
On the other hand, commercially processed juices that are canned, bottled, frozen, or packaged have been pasteurized. This means that the juice has been heated, which kills many of the nutrients that make it live, like vitamins, enzymes, and light energy. Because of this, most commercially made juices are mostly made of sugar and water. If someone says that juice, especially bottled fruit juice, has a lot of sugar, they are right.
When you make your own juice, you can choose from a wider range of fruits and vegetables, like kale, beets with leaves and stems, kohlrabi with leaves, collard greens, Swiss chard, arugula, rapini, and mustard greens. Most commercial juices don’t have these things in them. Jerusalem artichokes, jicama, green cabbage, ginger, celery leaves, black dino kale, and parsley are also part of my recipe. I haven’t seen any processed juices with these sweet, crunchy tubers and healthy greens.
How much produce does it take to make a glass of juice?

People often wonder if they need a lot of fruit to make just one glass of juice and if it will be expensive. But if you have a good juicer, you only need a small amount of fruit or vegetables. For example, you can get about 8 ounces of juice from one large apple, one large cucumber, or five to seven carrots. Also, you can get about 4 ounces of juice from three large stalks of celery (13 inches long) or one medium tomato. Use a juicer that makes dry pulp if you want to get the most out of your food. Some juicers can throw out wet pulp, which wastes a lot of food and money. To avoid this kind of waste, it’s important to buy a good juicer with the right rpm.
Will juicing cost a lot of money?
A cup of coffee costs more than a glass of juice. If you use three or four carrots, half a lemon, a chunk of ginger root, a stalk of celery, half a cucumber, and a handful of leafy greens, you can expect to spend between two and three dollars, depending on the season, region, and store.
A recent study by the USDA Economic Research Service shows that fruits and vegetables are cheaper than people think. It only costs $2 to $2.50 a day to get the recommended amount. The study also found that there isn’t a big price difference between fresh fruits and vegetables and those that have been processed.
Also, there are hidden ways that eating fruits and vegetables can save you money. You might need less vitamin supplements and over-the-counter medicines like pain relievers, sleep aids, antacids, and medicines for colds, coughs, and the flu. Also, you’ll miss less work because you’ll get sick less often. This is especially important if you don’t have any more sick days or if you work for yourself and lose money every day you’re sick. By drinking fresh juice, which can boost your immune system and fight off diseases, you might stay healthy and save a lot of money.
Should diabetics drink juice?
People often say that they can’t drink juice because they have diabetes. But if you have trouble breaking down sugar, you can juice vegetables. To do this, it’s important to choose vegetables with low sugar and only use fruits with low sugar, like lemons and limes. Avoid high-sugar vegetables like carrots and beets, but if you must, use only one or two carrots or a very small beet and dilute it with cucumber juice and dark leafy greens.
Also, it’s best to stay away from fruits that are high in sugar, except for berries, especially cranberries, which are low in sugar and can be added to juice recipes. Even though green apples have less sugar than yellow or red apples, it is still best to keep your juices as sugar-free as possible.
People with type 2 diabetes have been able to get rid of their disease by juicing low-sugar vegetables and eating more living foods, as well as following a low-glycemic diet. Before making any changes to your diet, you should talk to your doctor or a health care professional to find out what is best for your situation.