
2 Min Read

What is it

Belching (or burping) is an escape of air from the stomach and is usually a way to relieve abdominal distress caused by excessive air buildup, particularly after eating a large meal or drinking a carbonated beverage.


  • An eruptive noise from the mouth and throat.
  • Possible nausea.
  • Possible burning sensation in the throat or mouth.

What causes it

One cause of belching is swallowing air, which can occur if you eat too quickly, chew with your mouth open, talk while you are chewing, chew gum, or drink through a straw. Drinking carbonated beverages can also increase the amount of air that reaches your stomach.

Belching can also be brought on by certain ailments such as heartburn, hiatal hernia, and peptic ulcer, but in these instances it is typically accompanied by other symptoms.

What if you do nothing

Although belching is a social faux pas and can be embarrassing, for the vast majority of people belching is not a problem that requires treatment

Home remedies

Become aware

Once you are aware that the cause of your excessive belching may be linked with the unconscious swallowing of too much air, you should be able to eliminate it by making the conscious effort to swallow much less. Take these measures:

Avoid rapid eating

  • Eat four to six mini-meals throughout the day, which can stave off hunger pangs and curb your desire to eat too rapidly.
  • Take small bites when you eat.
  • Always chew food with your mouth closed.
  • Avoid talking with food in your mouth.
  • Cut back or eliminate gum chewing.
  • Don’t use a straw when drinking.

Cut back or eliminate carbonated beverages

The carbon dioxide gas in the beverages can cause excessive belching.


The measures under Home Remedies will help prevent belching.

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