Ingrown toenail

4 Min Read

What is it

An ingrown toenail is one of the most common foot disorders. The problem commonly happens on the big toe, along with the sides or upper comers of the nail curling down as well as cutting into the soft toe tissue, triggering redness and swelling. Moreover being painful, ingrown toenails can also result in infection.


  • Pain, tenderness, and red swollen skin around the margins of the toenail.
  • Pus (sign of infection).

What causes it

Improper trimming of the toenail, and tight shoes, socks, or stockings that press the nail into the tissue, are the two major causes of ingrown toenails.

Trauma can also cause an ingrown toenail if you accidentally stub your toe or drop something on it. The impact can break the nail or force the nail into the nail bed, causing the toenail to become ingrown.

What if you do nothing

If the problem goes untreated, the entire side of the nail can become embedded in the skin as the nail grows outward. Even without this complication, the condition can become quite painful, particularly if an infection develops. If the infection is severe, it can spread to the rest of the toe and even into the foot.

Home remedies

Investigate the source

If case you have an ingrown toenail, try to control and then eradicate the reason.

Soak, pack, and medicate

Immerse your toe in warm water for 15 to 25 minutes to relax the nail and drain out any swollen material below the nail. If the nail is not very aching or infected, use clean tweezers to raise the nail and  press a few elements of penetrable cotton beneath the nail to keep it from extra cutting the skin. Replicate this procedure every day, till the nail lastly grows out past the nail fold.

For mild inflammation or infection, apply an over-the-counter antibacterial cream and cover the nail with a bandage.

Use pain relievers

Take acetaminophen or nonprescription NSAIDs aspirin, naproxen or ibuprofen as required.

Don’t cut in the middle

Contrary to myth, making a V-shaped cut in the middle of your toenail won’t make it grow near the middle and therefore won’t stop an ingrown toenail. Think about exchanging your shoes. If probable, change to open shoes, shoes with a broader toe box, or sneakers when your nail is healing.

Be careful

Avoid running or other energetic actions that involve your feet when your toe heals.


Cut your nails cautiously

While cutting toenails, follow these instructions to keep them from becoming ingrown:

  • Make use of nail clipper or heavy long-handled scissors to cut the nail closely.
  • Avoid tearing the nail with your fingers.
  • Always trim the nail straight across the end of the nail must be square, not half-moon. Don’t trim too near. Finish the edge with an emery board or nail file and clean the channels with an orange stick.

Wear comfortable shoes

Shoes must be relaxed when you buy them. They should not pinch, rub, or bind the front of your feet in the area known as the toe box. High heels or tight-fitting shoes must be avoided; these place irregular stress on your toes.

Protect your feet

If you supposed to be lifting weighty substances, be sure to wear strong shoes to defend your feet.

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