Metabolic Syndrome: Roadblocks to Weight Loss

5 Min Read

Though Gerald Reaven, first recognized metabolic syndrome in 1998, its main constituent of obesity were not originally highlighted as it is today. Metabolic syndrome is a combination of hypercholesterolemia, obesity and hypertension connected by a fundamental insulin resistance. Any three of the following qualities in an individual indicate metabolic syndrome:

  • Abdominal obesity: a waist perimeter over 102 centimeters (40 inches) in men and over 88 centimeters (35 inches) in women
  • High serum triglycerides: 150 mg/dl or above
  • Low HDL cholesterol: 40 mg/dl or lower in men and 50 mg/dl or lower in women
  • High blood pressure: 130/85 or more
  • High blood sugar: a fasting blood glucose of 110 mg/dl or above (some groups say 100 mg/dl)

Metabolic syndrome is also related with additional insulin secretion. Too much dietary consumption of sugar and refined flour products, genetic propensities and lack of workout contribute to insulin resistance and the other features that result in metabolic syndrome. Insulin signals the cells to absorb glucose from the bloodstream. The body observes the food we’ve processed, our blood sugar levels, and our cell demands; it then must release insulin in the right quantities for our needs. A healthy body is insulin sensitive, not resistant.

Nowadays majorities of the calories come from carbohydrates, with many of those being simple carbohydrates sugars in the form of sweets and refined flour which rapidly enter the bloodstream. The body has to release high levels of insulin to keep the level of glucose in the bloodstream from strengthening out of control. Allowing your blood sugar get too high is simply not suitable. The resulting additional insulin in the bloodstream is called hyper-insulinemia. The body was not proposed for extended high levels of insulin; it disturbs cellular metabolism and spreads inflammation. Over time the cells quit reacting to this signal and the body converts insulin resistant. It’s like knocking on a person’s door to the point of irritation; no one answers.

Insulin resistance causes weight gain because it disturbs fat metabolism. When the cells won’t absorb the additional glucose circulating in the bloodstream, the liver changes it into fat. And guess what? Normal fat cells are loaded with glucose receptors that are subtle to insulin signals. So while the fat cells are gobbling up glucose, the other cells are in fact “starved” for glucose. The person feels tired a lot and inclines to eat more carbohydrate-rich foods trying to boost energy that makes situation even worse. It converts into an annoying cycle.

The lifestyle changes that turn this condition around start with a low-glycemic diet and avoidance of all sugar. The Weekend Weight Loss Diet is a perfect way to begin such an eating plan. On this two-day diet the emphasis is on vegetable juices. You must remove sugar and even decrease fruit; juice only low-sugar fruit like berries or green apple, and lime and lemon. Sweeteners, no matter what we call them, are still sugars. Most natural sweeteners like pure maple syrup, honey and agave syrup are little better compared to refined sugars, in that they have certain nutrients and aren’t bleached and refined; though, they are still sugar. (If you sweeten with honey, use raw honey). Additionally, you must avoid tobacco and caffeine. Include amply of healthy fats, particularly the omega-3 fats, and avoid animal fats. Limit your salt consumption, using only Celtic sea salt, and make sure you exercise throughout your weekend program and then at least three to four times per week afterward. All this must help your cells become more receptive to insulin and curb overproduction of insulin. Weight loss must follow without a lot of strength. But the best news is that your health will improve hugely.

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