Natural Health Remedies for Children

3 Min Read

Here are some of the problems my own adult kids ask me about their children and what I suggest they do…

• Make a cup of decaffeinated spice tea

Add lemon and honey, and wait until it cools slightly. The tea is soothing and hot, which will combat stuffiness and open up the nasal passages. The honey in the tea can help soothe a sore throat as well. The lemon soothes and coats the throat with vitamin C.

• Make old-fashioned chicken soup

Make old-fashioned chicken soup or use low-sodium canned soup. Not only will it make your child feel better, but making the soup keeps you too busy to worry.

• Offer fun fluids

The more fluids a sick child can drink, the better it is. The fluids help clean out the child’s system. Make colorful Jell-O water by doubling the amount of water in the Jell-O recipe offer enticing flavored ices or watered-down Gatorade.


Fever is not usually as scary as most parents believe it to be. It is a sign that the body is fighting infection.

If you’re concerned, take your child’s temperature and make sure to tell the doctor how and when you obtained it.

If a high fever is not responding to acetaminophen (Tylenol), try a warm bath, which will dissipate body heat.

There is no reason for the water to be cold. Besides being unpleasant for the child, a cold bath can be dangerous. Cold bath send a feverish child into shock. Alcohol rubs should also be avoided.


Make sure you can tell your doctor

  • When the rash began.
  • Where on the body it began.
  • How long it took to spread.
  • Whether or not it itches.
  • What color it is.
  • Whether the bumps are flat, raised or fluid-filled

Do a little investigative work on your own, too. Did you just change laundry detergents? Often, it’s a simple case of a reaction to a new food, lotion or sunscreen with PABA.


For sunburn relief during winter vacations, try tea bags. Let the bags steep in boiled water for five minutes. Then, after they cool, remove from the water and apply the wet bags to the skin.

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