Broccoli sprouts contain more sulforaphane than full-grown broccoli, which can help neutralize cancer-causing toxins. Oranges and grapefruit are rich in vitamin C and naringenin, which can prevent cancer cell growth and fight infections. Taking 75mg of aspirin daily may protect against cancer by inhibiting cancer cells from spreading, repairing broken DNA, and encouraging bad cells to self-destruct. Legumes like beans, peas, and lentils contain anticancer chemicals like saponins, protease inhibitors, and phytic acid, which can prevent the formation and growth of tumors.
Excessive alcohol consumption can increase the risk of developing throat, liver, colon, breast, and other cancers, as it can damage DNA and accelerate the division of liver cells. Women should be cautious about alcohol consumption, as it can raise estrogen levels linked to breast cancer. Tomatoes are a rich source of lycopene, beta carotene, quercetin, and kaempferol, which can prevent cancer cell growth. Cooking tomatoes with olive oil can increase the availability of lycopene in the body. By making these dietary choices, one can lower their risk of cancer and improve their overall health.
Kill it off
Broccoli sprouts, which taste peppery and like alfalfa, contains more of the component sulforaphane that helps fight cancer than full-grown broccoli. US researchers said that the sprouts include 20–50% more sulforaphane, which can help neutralize toxins that can cause cancer before they do any harm. Growing broccoli sprouts in a jar or sprouter is easy, but you need to rinse them twice a day.
Choose citrus
Oranges and grapefruit are full of vitamin C, and they also have naringenin, which can stop cancer cells from growing. Researchers have also found that naringenin can help fight infections and lower cholesterol levels in the blood.
Obtain the aspirin benefit
Researchers at Oxford University in the UK think that taking 75 mg of aspirin every day might help fight cancer. Aspirin can protect against cancer in a number of ways, such as by inhibiting cancer cells from spreading by keeping blood platelets from sticking together. Aspirin is also thought to fix broken DNA and make bad cells kill themselves before they may turn into cancer. Aspirin can also keep the gut healthy, and it works especially well for those with Lynch syndrome. Studies have revealed that people are 25% less likely to get colon cancer if they consume 75mg of aspirin every day. Aspirin may also slow the growth of tumors in the breast, prostate, and esophagus. It may help keep some types of lung cancer from spreading.
A word of caution: Even though aspirin can be bought over the counter, you should talk to a doctor before taking it often. Aspirin can induce bleeding inside the body, among other things.
Legumes reduce the risk of cancer
Saponins, protease inhibitors, and phytic acid are all potent anticancer chemicals that are found in legumes including beans, peas, and lentils. Saponins can stop cancer cells from dividing and limit the formation of tumors. Protease inhibitors can slow the division of cancer cells and stop them from hurting healthy cells. Also, the phytic acid in beans can delay the growth of tumors. Legumes are also abundant in fiber, which can help lower the risk of diseases like breast, esophagus, stomach, and prostate cancers, as well as bowel cancer.
Put down the alcohol

Even though not everyone who consumes alcohol will get cancer, studies has shown that drinking too much alcohol can increase the risk of some cancers, such as those of the throat, esophagus, larynx, liver, colon, and breast. This is because alcohol is turned into acetaldehyde in the body, which can damage DNA and raise the risk of cancer. Also, alcohol can make liver cells divide more quickly than they should, which can also contribute to cancer. So, if you want to lower your risk of cancer and other health concerns, it’s necessary to drink alcohol in moderation. The recommended limits are:
- Men 14 drinks a week; no more than 4 drinks at one time.
- Women 7 drinks a week; no more than 3 drinks at one time.
A standard “drink” is either a mixed cocktail with 1.5 oz. (44 ml) of 80-proof hard liquor like gin, whiskey, or rum, a 5 oz. (148 ml) glass of wine, or a 12 oz. (355 ml) bottle of beer. Men and women should both try to go at least two days a week without drinking to lower their risk of health problems like cancer that can be caused by drinking.
Female? Pick the gentle route
Women shouldn’t drink too much alcohol since their bodies have more fat, which can make alcohol build up. Also, drinking can make estrogen levels go up, which is a hormone linked to breast cancer. It’s best for women to stick to drinks that don’t include alcohol in them.
Make use of tomatoes’ strength
It is widely suggested that those who want to fight cancer eat tomatoes. They have a powerful antioxidant called lycopene in them that helps protect the body from cancer. Tomatoes also have a lot of beta carotene, quercetin, and kaempferol, which all stop cancer cells from growing. Studies show that men can cut their chance of getting prostate cancer by up to a third if they eat pasta with tomato sauce at least twice a week. Women whose blood has a lot of lycopene are also less likely to get breast cancer. Try these tips to get the most benefit:
- Cook your tomatoes to increase their lycopene content.
- Use olive oil for cooking. Because lycopene is fat soluble, it becomes more readily available to body tissues when tomatoes are cooked with a little fat.
Treat yourself
Due to its high flavonoid content, chocolate can be good for your health if you eat it in moderation. Flavonoids work as antioxidants and protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. Flavonoids are found in fruits like strawberries and blueberries, but dark chocolate has eight times as many as these fruits. To avoid getting too much sugar and fat, it’s best to eat chocolate in moderation and choose dark chocolate with a high proportion of cocoa solids.
Avoid creating more problems
The danger of getting cancer goes up when you drink alcohol or smoke, but the risk goes up even more when you do both. When you drink alcohol, it can make it easier for the mouth and throat to take in toxins from smoking that can cause cancer. So, drinking less alcohol and giving up smoking completely can help lessen the risk of getting cancer.
Take use of berry power

The aronia berry, which is also called chokeberry, has a lot of flavonoids in it, which makes it a highly healthy fruit. Native Americans utilized it because it was good for their health and made them feel sexually aroused. You can eat a handful of these berries combined with honey, yogurt, and banana for a healthy breakfast or snack that can help prevent cancer. You can also drink aronia juice on its own or mix it with apple juice to make it taste better.
Grill less frequently
If you BBQ a lot, you might want to cut back to lower your risk of getting cancer. Studies done in France have revealed that a BBQ that lasts for two hours might give off a lot of dioxins, which can cause cancer. Heterocyclic amines (HCAs), which can cause cancer, are also made when food is grilled at high temperatures. The more time food is cooked, the more HCAs it makes. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons can get on the meat from flare-ups while grilling over charcoal. This makes the chance of getting stomach cancer higher. Here are some useful pointers to help you make your barbecues healthier:
- Use low-fat meat.
- Choose smaller portion sizes that cook more quickly
- Partially precook meats such as chicken or other cuts of meat on the bone, that take a long time to cook.
Consume Brazil nuts
People are told to eat extra selenium to lower their risk of getting cancer. The finest natural source of selenium is Brazil nuts, which provide about 75 mcg of selenium per nut. In one study, persons who took 200 mcg of selenium every day for seven years had half as many cancer deaths. Selenium turns on an enzyme that breaks apart and kills cancer cells.