The Real Reasons You Can’t Lose Weight: A Comprehensive Guide

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If you’ve been trying to lose weight but can’t seem to make any progress or have hit a weight-loss plateau, you may need a specific intervention that gets to the root of why you’re not losing the weight you want to. The good news is that fixing the underlying problem can lead to better health, and weight loss may be a secondary benefit compared to the other benefits.

People have trouble losing weight for more reasons than just eating too many calories or not getting enough exercise. This chapter is for you if you eat a lot less than most people you know but still can’t lose weight. It can help you figure out if there are any problems in your body that are stopping you from losing weight on the Weekend Weight-Loss Diet like so many others have. Even if you don’t think any of the information in this chapter applies to you, you should still read it because you might be surprised by what you find out about your body.

Sensitivity to Food

Food reactions aren’t always instant and can happen hours after you eat something. Food sensitivity can cause bloating, swelling in different parts of the body, bags and dark circles under the eyes, and weight gain due to inflammation and certain hormones that make the body hold on to fluid. Carbohydrates that break down in the intestines can also cause gas and a big, swollen belly.

Food sensitivity can also cause headaches, migraines, indigestion, heartburn, fatigue, depression, joint pain, canker sores, breathing problems like wheezing and sinus congestion, and chronic bowel problems like diarrhea or constipation. Wheat or gluten, corn, dairy, soy, and sugar are the most common foods that make people sick. Juicing can be helpful because it breaks food down into a form that is easy to absorb and doesn’t cause allergies.


Many books have been written about how our modern, overly stressful lives are bad for our health. Relaxing can help you lose weight, while stress can make you gain weight. When the body is under physical or mental stress, it stores calories and holds on to weight as a way to protect itself. Cortisol is a stress hormone that is released into the body at these times. This raises the levels of fats, sugar, and insulin in the blood to prepare the body for a “fight or flight” response.

Excess cortisol that is released during stressful times is known to cause fat to build up in the middle, which can lead to weight gain and, eventually, diabetes, even if diet and exercise habits don’t change. Stress and inflammation can be reduced with active relaxation techniques, which also help burn fat and keep blood sugar levels more stable. Consuming nutrient-rich juices can also help you deal with stress because they give your body the nutrients it needs to work at its best. This can help the body deal with stress better and lessen the bad effects it has on health.

Liver or Gallbladder Congestion

The Weekend Weight-Loss Diet is one way to detoxify your body if you want to speed up your progress toward a healthier lifestyle or hit a weight-loss plateau. In my books “Juicing, Fasting, and Detoxing for Life” and “The Juice Lady’s Guide to Juicing for Health,” I also explain how to do a colon cleanse and a seven-day Liver and Gallbladder Cleanse. If your liver and gallbladder are backed up, it may be harder for you to lose weight. Getting rid of toxins, especially from your organs that get rid of waste, may be necessary to lose weight effectively.

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