The Surprising Connection between Candida Overgrowth and Weight Gain

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Candidiasis is caused by Candida albicans, a type of yeast or fungus that usually lives in the digestive tract and gets along well with good bacteria there. Candida albicans doesn’t cause any problems for a healthy person because the good bacteria keep it in check. Antibiotics and other medicines, on the other hand, can kill the good bacteria and let the yeast grow. Some lifestyle habits, like eating a lot of sugar and refined carbs, drinking alcohol, being stressed out, or taking birth control pills, can also make it easy for yeast to grow too much.

Candida overgrowth can cause many different symptoms, such as cravings for sugar, bread, or alcohol, weight gain, fatigue, vaginitis, immune system problems, depression, digestive problems, frequent ear and sinus infections, intense itching, chemical sensitivity, canker sores, and ringworm. Some people might feel sick everywhere. If you think you might have too much Candida, you can take the Candida Quiz in the book The Coconut Diet.

Getting rid of yeast: A key to losing weight

Focusing on getting rid of yeast in your body can give you a sense of well-being and help you lose weight in a healthy way that will last. If you don’t stop yeast from growing, it can change into a fungus that can spread through your body and do a lot of damage to your health. In the worst cases, a person with C. albicans may not be able to get out of bed because the fungus puts out mycotoxins that drain the body of energy.

Low-carbohydrate diets have become popular in the United States because they work when other diets don’t. A low-carbohydrate diet also has the added benefit of starving yeast of its main food source, sugar. People who have C. albicans in their bodies often want sugar and simple carbohydrates, which yeast needs to grow. Rapid changes in blood sugar levels caused by yeast are linked to mood swings, PMS, and depression. People also say they have gas and feel bloated. This is because yeast ferments in the intestines, which makes gas like what you’d find in champagne and beer. Through fermentation, yeast also makes alcohol. This alcohol can be absorbed through the gut and cause symptoms like brain fog, changes in behavior, and trouble focusing.

Chlorophyll stops systemic yeast from growing.

Molds, yeasts, and fungus can cause weight gain by putting millions of yeast cells in the digestive tract. When there are a lot of these cells, they want to be fed. This can make you want carbs, sweets, alcohol, and starches like bread, pasta, and pizza all the time. When you eat these foods, you get gassy and gain weight. You also lose muscle strength. If the fungi are constantly fed simple sugars and starches, the cycle gets annoying as the fungi get stronger, more fat is made, and health problems get worse.

Candida albicans is a type of fungus that makes mycotoxins, which are waste products that are very acidic and help protect the fungus from viruses, bacteria, and parasites. These toxins can get into the bloodstream and cause central nervous system symptoms like fatigue, confusion, irritability, mental fogginess, memory loss, depression, dizziness, mood swings, headache, nausea, numbness, and low blood sugar. When these toxins build up, they can cause long-term illness.

When there are too many fungi spores in the body, it is hard for the body to control them. This can cause illnesses like sinusitis and congestion. Chlorophyll, which is found in plants, has been shown to bind to mycotoxins and stop them from getting into the bloodstream. This could change the lives of up to 80 million Americans who have Candida albicans overgrowth and drink green juice. Chlorophyll-rich foods make it hard for fungi to grow by canceling out the acidity caused by mycotoxins and binding them to stop their destructive cycle.

Green juices and smoothies can help a lot if you have symptoms like chronic fatigue, sinusitis that doesn’t go away, allergies, cravings for carbs, and vaginal infections caused by too much yeast. Chlorophyll is alkaline, so it can kill fungi and improve your health as a whole.

Probiotics help you lose weight

Researchers have found that the microflora of the digestive tract has an effect on how many calories are absorbed from food. Recent research suggests that good bacteria can help speed up the metabolism and help people lose weight. Studies show that the microorganisms in the guts of people who are overweight are different from those in the guts of people who are not overweight. This suggests that there may be a microbial component to obesity. Also, when a fat person loses weight, their bacteria tend to change to be more like those of a thin person.

Japan’s scientists have also found that probiotics can help people lose weight. In a study, 87 people who were overweight got 200 grams of fermented milk every day for 12 weeks. Randomly, the participants were split into two groups. One group got fermented milk with Lactobacillus gasseri (a probiotic) in it, and the other group did not. In the group that took Lactobacillus gasseri, there were significant drops in body weight, BMI, waist circumference, and hip measurements, but not in the control group.

Probiotics are supplements or foods that have the same kind of good bacteria that the body already has. Katherine Zeratsky, a nutritionist at the Mayo Clinic, says that they may help with digestion and protect against harmful bacteria, just like the “good” bacteria already in the body do. Most people think of yogurt as a good source of probiotics, but raw vegetables, fresh vegetable juice, and fermented foods like miso and sauerkraut can also give the gut a lot of good bacteria. It is important to remember, though, that cooking can kill these bacteria. This is one reason why people who eat a diet full of living foods often lose weight.

There are two super foods that kill yeast.

Use a variety of foods that can lower yeast levels and give you more control over them to do this. Think about putting these foods in your diet:

Raw garlic

Studies at Malaysia’s Putra University have found that raw garlic (but not cooked garlic) has two antifungal effects: it stops the formation of hyphae, which are long strands that grow from yeast cells and help them spread, and it makes yeast cells die early.

Organic virgin coconut oil

In 2007, a study at University College Hospital in Nigeria’s Department of Medical Microbiology and Parasitology showed that virgin coconut oil was effective as an antifungal agent that killed C. albicans. Researchers came to the conclusion that coconut oil killed all yeast cells on contact. In particular, you can thank the lauric, caprylic, and capric acids in coconut oil, which worked together to break the yeast cells’ protective outer walls. Every day, 3 tablespoons were used. Coconut oil can be used in place of other fats like butter or oils.

Studies on both animals and people have shown that replacing long-chain fatty acids, which are found in polyunsaturated oils like corn, safflower, sunflower, and soy oil, with medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs), which are found in coconut oil, leads to a lower body weight and less fat storage. This is because MCFAs are easy for the body to break down and turn into energy, and they also speed up the metabolism. MCFAs can also help athletes do better, as several studies have shown.

Coconut oil also helps the thyroid gland work better, makes the immune system of your body work better, and helps you lose weight.

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